What You Must Know About Wood Replacement On Your Roof

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When it comes to your home’s roof, you must treat each individual aspect as you would anything else. This means you cannot cut corners and you certainly cannot avoid the inevitable. A wood replacement on your roof is more important than you may think if you own a home that is due for a new roof. While this is news no homeowner wants to hear, attempting to work around the issue rather than facing it head on can cost you thousands more in the long run. 


What Is A Wood Replacement?


A wood replacement is required whenever the wood used for the base of your roof is unable to support any repair or replacement roof. There is virtually nothing you can do to prevent this issue. Like all wood, the wood used on your roof will eventually run old, rot, and be unable to support weight. When a local roofing contractor recommends you replace your roof while they are already replacing your roofing system and shingle, they typically are not lying.


A wood replacement roofing project is not something to take likely. This is a serious step in providing you with peace of mind your new roof is going to last for years to come. If you try to avoid replacing wood that is no longer useful, you can certainly expect for your new roof to collapse during a major storm. However, it could also collapse out of the blue during a normal sunny day. 


Unfortunately, not all roofing projects can give exact reasons for why your roof’s wood needs to be replaced. Aside from age and condition of the roof, the exact reason cannot be determined until you sign a contract with your local roofing contractor and they get to work. Please continue to read on to further understand this topic. 


What Signals Should I Look Out For?


It is highly unlikely a regular homeowner, like yourself, is going to be able to spot the need for a roofing replacement. Oftentimes, roofing contractors themselves cannot give an exact reason. There are a few tell tale signs that indicate a total wood replacement is required in order to secure the integrity of your new roof or roof repair. However, you should not let the news that your local roofing contractor cannot provide an exact explanation scare you off. For once, this is actually not a red flag. 


As we have discussed in past blogs, a roofing contractor that cannot give a full answer beyond what you can find online is a bad sign and a huge red flag. In this instance, you need to trust the roofing contractor that can only explain the signals and indications your roof is trouble. Anyone who can paint an exact picture of your roof’s wood condition without getting your signature and approval to rip off your shingles or other roofing material is not the roofing contractor you need or deserve. 


Any reputable roofing contractor can explain that the exact reasons why your wood’s roof needs to be replaced will only be determined once they get into the project. To explain this in a relatable way, this is similar to visiting the doctor for some pain in any part of your body. Your regular family doctor can push on the tender area and feel for an answer. The tell tale signs he/she sees and the explanations you provide can only go so far. You will need a specialist to go in, order the appropriate tests, and review them in order to fully explain your situation. This is no different than a roofing contractor examining the signals your roof is displaying, getting your permission via a signed contract, and then beginning a demo to find exactly what is wrong with the wood in your roof. 


How Do Local Roofing Contractors Charge For This Project?


Roofing contractors, both good and bad, will always charge your roofing project to make a profit. However, the best local roofing contractors will be upfront with their estimates and be competitive with other companies. Unreputable roofing contractors will try to take advantage of your lack of knowledge and run off into the sunset with the biggest check they can get you to sign. 


Before you sign any contract, you should understand how your roofing contractor is pricing the wood replacement project in addition to your roof replacement. You do not want nor deserve a lump sum. Everything should be itemized. This itemization should include the cost of materials and labor. While you are unlikely to find out exactly what they are making for profit, you can determine if you are receiving a fair price by asking multiple companies for quotes. As we have mentioned so many times, a top rated and trusted contractor will have no issue with you shopping around and doing your research. 


You should inquire what types of wood would be used on your roof. Additionally, you should ask about how much the material costs are for the type of wood they are using.


Typically, you can expect local roofers to use:

4×8 sheets plywood

1×2 boards

1×6 boards

1×8 boards

1×12 boards

2×4 boards

2×6 boards

If your contractor cannot provide the size of wood they are using or the price, walk away. That is a red flag you cannot afford to miss. 


Trust Top Rated Local Roofing Contractors To Deliver The Best Results 


You deserve honest information and competitive pricing when you need a wood replacement during your new roof installation. It does not matter if you planned for a new roof or you suddenly need a total roof replacement due to an emergency. The cost, stress, and time involved can be overwhelming regardless of your situation. Fortunately, Mitchell and Sons Roofing is available to help you throughout the process. 


We understand the questions that are coming to your mind. As your local roofing contractor experts, we will always explain the entire process from beginning to end and answer any questions you have about our process, the materials, or our costs.


We proudly offer no obligation quotes, so please do not hesitate to contact us today!


– Ryan Listerman, Project Manager