
Ryan Listerman

VP of Operations of Mitchell and Sons Roofing, Sales Trainer, and Author

Ryan Listerman is the VP of Operations of Mitchell and Sons Roofing, a local Florida roofing company that he has helped grow since he first started in 2018 as the Director of Sales and Marketing. Ryan has over five years of experience in the Construction industry and uses his expertise now as a Consumer Advocate, approaching business from the customer’s perspective, understanding client expectations, and implementing fact-based solutions to guide his clients to make the best financial decision.

As the VP of Operations of Mitchell and Sons, Ryan manages the day-to-day operations, develops and implements new strategies to break into expanding markets, and ensures compliance with all laws and regulations. Ryan is also a sales trainer and an author, with his book “How to Not Get Ripped Off By a Contractor” being re-released in early 2023. You can often find Ryan sipping wine in downtown St. Pete with his wife.

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Book Release

How To Not Get Ripped Off By A Contractor

We see the stories on the news all the time; the unsuspecting homeowner has shelled out thousands of dollars to a contractor they thought they could trust, and now they have a home improvement nightmare on their hands. Many people offer advice, like getting multiple bids, checking to ensure they have a license, and reading their reviews online. These are great tips, but I’ve personally talked to people who adhered to these basic guidelines and still lived in a nightmare situation. What could they have done differently? Was their bad experience terrible luck? Or could they have done more to help make the correct decision? The object of this book will be to make you more formidable in identifying a company that could rip you off.